Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pearson Legacy Gen.1 Intro


Let's meet The legacy Heir for this Story....

Hi My name is Laura Pearson I'm the heir of my families legacy, 10th generation.Now I'm going to keep the legacy going.After I moved from my home town Hill Valley leaving everyone i know my family and friends to Sunset valley to maybe find someone to have a family with.And I Found the PERFECT house to start a family in, it has 4 bedrooms plenty of space and a great back yard for my children to grow and learn.

Sunset valley has a great school and I heard there are some boarding schools as well, but i don't know if i could send my own child away and not seeing them or help them with their homework. Well anyways As i was getting settle in i meet some great people one that i knew that would make a perfect match for my family and i think my mom would have LOVED them as well :)

Here are my rules for me to keep track:

1. LOVE is very important

2. never have a favorite son or daughter

3. always get along with your family and make sure that everything is in order.

4.HAVE FUN go on a vacation once in awhile with your family

5.take videos and photos as your children are learning new things and growing up.

6. always say i love you even if your having a bad day or in a bad mood

and last but not least

7. Family is always first.


I will also have a HEIR POLL for you the viewers to vote for the next Generation Heir.

I hope you like my new legacy, and thank you for joining me on my family adventure :)

-Laura Pearson