Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pearson Gen1.5: Time flies Fast

Chapter 5

A Night to Remember/Boarding school/ and another birthday!

"Please DAD I'm meeting Sandi down by Wolffs Cove im going to asked her to prom."
"First did you do your homework?" YES did you help around the house? Sorta OKAY young man first do your chores and I'll think about it.

Dominic did all of his chores, taking out the trash fixing home items etc and he went down to meet Sandi

Sandi, we been going out for a few weeks and the dance is coming up.. I was wondering if you want to go with me..

Coral can you come here please... Yes mommy coming..
Honey, your father and I are putting you in boardings school to better your education and future of this legacy. Your going to the same school I went when i was your age and was chosen to keep the family name on, Le Arts Boarding school, tomorrow you will be picked up and you will learn great things there.

Okay, mommy I will go I'm going to miss you darling.. I'm going to miss you to mom.
Remember to call anytime, yes mom I will.

Next day Coral said good bye to her friends and family she deiced to bring her favorite toy to the school.

Time to go darling, now be good and have fun

Laura saw Coral walking away to her future laura was getting tear up but happy to know her little Coral is going to be alright.
AHHHH!!!, my baby girl is alll grown UPPPPP

One month as pass Since Coral went away to school and it was time for little Cori's birthday!


I can't believe Cori is TWO YEARS OLD!! my how time flies fast

Cori Aurora Pearson
Age 2
Cori was soo adorable she started to craw and played with her new toys

Im going to call Coral and see how shes doing
Hello Darling how's school? how are the classes?DID you make any Friends?
Everything is great mom, the classes are great teachers are great i made a lot of new friends
That great Darling, I'm glad your having a great time there Talk to you soon!!

MUM!! can you help me with this, I don't under stand this problem..
Coral's Twin Brother was having a hard time dealing with her going away to school but his doing great at school here.
Few hours later Sandi Showed up for the big night of Dominic's life!! PROM!!!

DOM! the limo is here and Sandi is here too!
COMING mom!!
Dominic look really nice in his suit same with Sandi in her dress


and your prom king is..... DOMINIC PEARSON!!


  1. I love the name Aurora ... I wanta name a child that :)

  2. Me too I love that name as well, my fave princess from Disney sleeping beauty named that and i always loved that name :)

  3. Love it cant wait for the next post
