Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pearson Gen.1.3 Double the Surprise

Pearson Gen.1.3

Double the Surprise

Dominic was waiting for me to read him a bedtime story

He fell right to sleep
The twins aged up soo fast they both got a interesting toy from a lost relative who i never knew i was related to.

It's TWINS Boy and Girl Derek and Coral
We taught them how to walk, talk and potty trained

The next few days Chris and I tried for another baby and i felt sick the new few days and i knew i was with child
Hey, honey how was work? It was good i got a promotion! Oh wow honey that awesome you work so hard for this family, I have some great news as well... I'm with child and its a boy :)
Dominic was doing so well the past year and he even got on the honor roll at school. It was time to have his birthday and he becoming a teen!! *sigh* they grow up SOOO fast

It was also the twins birthday
We had a great party
One of Dominic's friends birthday as well Sandi French is such a nice girl maybe they be together in the future

Coral looks like me with a hit of her father

Same with Derek

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