Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pearson Gen.1.1

Pearson Legacy Gen.- 1.1

The Perfect Match

Hey! Welcome back to Pearson Legacy, Laura has just meet her future spouse lets check out who it is...

This is his House, Okay self lets just go and introduce yourself no harm in that...

Hi, I'm Laura I just moved down the street from you, I'll thought i would introduce myself
Hello, and welcome to the town I too have just moved here just over a year ago, I'm Christopher Steele but you can call me Chris. Wow hes a great guy, and he knows how it feels to be the new person in town.Maybe i'll get to know him a bit more..

Hey, Chris may I asked you what is your sign? Oh, [laughs] I'm a capricorn --Oh really, I'm Virgo we match perfectly too :p

He took my hand and I felt Butterflies in my stomach a feeling I was hoping to get.A few moments later we were seating on the couch and i leaned in for a Kiss and he accepted :)

The Next few Weeks went so fast, Chris and I we went on our first date together Ahh it was Magical. We went stargazing the most romantic night of my life!! well, in sunset valley that is :)

I brought you Roses Laura to show you my feelings for you I hop you like them
OOH, they are lovely thank you Chris.
Laura these past few weeks have been amazing, best weeks since i got here last year.
I laughed- Yeah, aww your sweet Chris.
I really do mean it Laura, I was wounding if you want to be my Girlfriend?
Of course I do..

I have a surprise for you as well, this is my family ring it was past down from generation to generation and me being the last Heir I was wondering if you Would continue with me on my family legacy and be a Pearson?

WOW, Laura I would LOVE too Usually its the other way around but I dont care I love to be your husband

My wedding dress its my Mothers and its very important to me
Something new, something borrow and something blue
Lets get married right here RIGHT now
The sooner the better

Will you Christopher Henry Steele take me Laura Katherine Pearson to be your wife?
I most certainly do.

----Days have past and bills were palling up I need to tell Chris----

Chris Honey since our wedding our bills have been paling up, I don't know if we can make it and provide for our family.

It's going to be alright Laura I'm working double shifts and I'm always here you know that and I love you no matter what happens family is the most important thing.

Chris this is why I married you, You always know the right thing to say. I LOVE YOU

I went to the book store to keep my reading up but i felt really sick to my stomach

I found out that night I was pregnant with a boy
I cant wait to be a mother

Till next time

-Laura Katherine Pearson

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